About Endor Technologies®

Founded in 2007, Endor has been committed to pioneering cancer research. To ensure the company’s long-term sustainability and accelerate progress, they expanded into skincare in 2016, leveraging their extensive medical research expertise.


The skincare range embodies the culmination of Endor’s research, delivering results that have earned the trust of leading aesthetic doctors and, most importantly, valued customers.


They are dedicated to making our cutting-edge medical research accessible to you, with the hope of enhancing your life and wellbeing. Sold in the UK exclusively via elenzia.com/medical.


Awards & Concessions

Biotech Product of the Year: European Biotechnology Congress 2016 for “Cancer treatment through the use of immunostimulating proteins”.


Award for the Best Innovative Company 2014: University of Barcelona.


Innovative Company: Recognition granted by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain.


SME Company at the EMA: European Medicines Agency.



“Proteins for use in cancer treatment.” Querol Sastre J., Sobrevals L., Parkkola H., Vivero L., Miñana R., Sendra J. Application Number: 15179043.3-1456. Applicant: Endor Technologies SL.


“System for the release of a therapeutic agent, pharmaceutical composition containing it, the preparation and medical use thereof.” Querol Sastre J., Sendra Cuadal J., Vivero Sanchez L., Ramis Castelltort M., Parkkola H. International Publication Number WO 2012/089768-A1. Applicant: Endor Technologies SL.


“Conjugate of Hyaluronic Acid for Cosmetic Treatment and Preparation Method.” Querol Sastre J., Ramis Castelltort M., Ojea Jimenez I. International Publication Number: WO 2009/087254-A1. Applicant: Endor Technologies SL.


“Metal nanoobjects for cosmetic use.” Querol Sastre J., Escudero Cano J. Ref. P4212EP00. Applicant: Endor Technologies SL.


Doctoral Theses

“Advanced nanosystems based on gold nanoparticles and hyaluronic acid for dermatological and cosmetic applications.” Author: Rafael Miñana Prieto. Director: Judith Sendra, PhD.


“Hyaluronic acid-coated gold nanoparticles as an anticancer drug delivery system – Biological characterization and efficacy.” Author: Hanna Parkkola. Director: Judith Sendra, PhD.


“Design and characterization of drug delivery systems based on metal nanoparticles and hyaluronic acid.” Author: Laura Vivero Sanchez. Director: Judith Sendra, PhD.



“Nanotechnology: Recent Trends, Emerging Issues and Future Directions. Chapter: Nanomedicine: The New Age of Therapeutics.” Sobrevals L., Parkkola H., Vivero L., Miñana R., Sendra J., 2014. Editor: N. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.


“Converging hazard assessment of gold nanoparticles to aquatic organisms.” Jesús Pablo García-Cambero, Mercedes Núñez García, Gema Díaz López, Ana López Herranz, Laureano Cuevas, Esperanza Pérez-Pastrana, Judith Sendra Cuadal, Marc Ramis Castelltort, Argelia Castaño Calvo. Chemosphere 93 (2013). 1194-1200.


“Proceed with caution? Concept and application of the precautionary principle in nanobiotechnology: Gold Nanoparticles and Cell Viability Evaluation.” Parkkola H., Vivero L., Ramis M., Querol J., Sendra J., 2012. Editors: Ach JS, Lüttenberg B., Paslack R., Weltring KM. LIT Verlag.


“Gold Nanoparticle Stability Studies in Physiological Media.” Parkkola H., Vivero L., Ramis M., Cambero JPG, Querol J., Sendra J., 2012. Editors: Ach JS, Lüttenberg B., Paslack R., Weltring KM. LIT Verlag.


“In Vitro Safety Toxicology Data for Evaluation of Gold Nanoparticles–Chronic Cytotoxicity, Genotoxicity and Uptake.” Claudia Di Guglielmo, Joaquín De Lapuente, Constança Porredon, David Ramos-López, Judith Sendra, and Miquel Borràs. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology. Vol. 12, 6185-6191, 2012.


“Embryotoxicity of cobalt ferrite and gold nanoparticles: A first in-vitro approach.” Claudia Di Guglielmo, David Ramos López, Joaquín De Lapuente, Joan Maria Llobet Mallafre, Miquel Borràs Suárez. Reproductive Toxicology 30 (2010) 271-276.


“Metallic Nanoparticles and Cytotoxicity Assessment.” Parkkola H., Vivero L., Vega M., Ramis M., Querol Sastre J., Sendra J., 2010. International Congress of Toxicology.


“Instability of Cationic Gold Nanoparticle Bioconjugates: The Role of Citrate Ions.” Isaac Ojea-Jimenez, Victor Puntes. JACS-2009.


Research Projects

Project: “Cosmetic research with nanoparticles to treat facial melasma.” Participant: Endor Technologies SL. Financing: ACCIO. Year: 2014.


Project: “Development and clinical application of an oncological drug delivery system using nanoparticles.” Participant: Endor Technologies SL. Financing: Center for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI). Year: 2011.


Project: “Sustainable Hydrothermal Manufacturing of Nanomaterials (SHYMAN).” Participants: Endor Technologies SL, Nottingham University, University of Valladolid, Instytut Wysokich Cisnien, Delft University, Trinity College Dublin, GTVP, Promethean Particles, Centro Ricerche FIAT, Akzo Nobel, Repsol, Solvay, Topgan, Itaprochim, Lewar GmbH, Boots UK, Van Loon Chemical Innovations, Pielaszek Research, Ceramysis. Funding: European Commission, Seventh Framework Programme. Year: 2011.


Project: “Nanosost: Towards a Responsible and Safe Nanotechnology.” Participants: Endor Technologies SL, Ceretox, Instituto Carlos III, Leia, Inasmet, Solutex. Financing: Ministry of Science and Innovation. Year: 2008.


Project: “Design of nanoheat sources for cosmetic applications.” Participants: Endor Technologies SL, Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO). Financing: ACCIO. Year: 2008.


Project: “Synthesis of advanced nanomaterials for their application in nanomedicine: ferromagnetic structures and multiple conjugations.” Participant: Endor Technologies SL. Financing: Industrial Technology Development Center (CDTI). Year: 2007.


Project: “Synthesis of advanced nanomaterials for application in nanomedicine: Nano Au-Co.” Participants: Endor Technologies SL, Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology. Financing: Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism. Year: 2007.


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